Your opinion on the evolution of amps since 70s?

What is your opinion on the evolution of high-end amplifiers since the 70s?

I use the word “high-end” here not in the snobbish sense, but as a way of separating amplifiers designed for great sound from those intended for mass consumption. I am interested especially in the sound- and design changes of these amplifiers but would not mind reading about other aspects as well, such as build quality, prices and values. I read lively discussions on this topic on another site. Below is my take on the subject. I look forward to reading yours.

I caught the Hi-fi bugs in high school in the late 60s. This hobby quickly turned into an obsession in the 70s while I was still in college. I was seriously into high-end audio equipment in the 80s and 90s until their prices escaladed well beyond what I was willing to spend. Now I am just coasting.

I feel that from the 70s to the 90s amplifiers steadily improved in design, construction, and sound, especially solid-state (ss) amps. Today’s high-end amplifiers are generally more powerful and more sophisticated than their predecessors with sounds that are noticeably more refined as well. Interestingly, the sounds of ss and tube amps, quite far apart in the 70s, came closer together every passing decade though they never quite merge. Today’s ss have the edge on power, bass and treble extension while improved tube amps remain king of the midrange.

It is really a shame that the mid-90s witnessed an unconscionable price escalation leading to the inevitable shrinking of high-end audio. The much higher prices made cost-no-object designs possible but they also caused the large community of audio hobbyists and enthusiasts of the 70s and 80s to dwindle down to a much smaller group today. The design progress suffers.

That’s my short take on the subject. I can’t wait to read what Audiogoners have to say.
i have no problem with any specialty company making a healthy profit, or appealing to audiophiles who love the look and the touch as much as the sound. i've had a room full of audio toys since high school ('71) and have been in the music and movie business(and hi fi too) for over 30 years. as much as i'm passionate about music and as much as i love the hobby, it scares me that someone with the ability to spend $100,000 on hardware would do it under the myth that it has superior performance because it can only be purchased by 300 people globally. i've worked with the finest engineers and soundmen on the west coast and not one of them believes that hi end has gotten 'better' in any regard. they are always asked to add bass that wasn't originally there, and bring the voal up in the mix to give us the thrill of thinking the reissue is better. kill the tape noise, etc one wants a balanced presentation, not in the studio or the home. consumers should only trust their ears after they use common sense. the branding of gear from china to prompt the emotional purchase of a product that has a historically rich name, is shameful.
I'm with Ralph(Atmasphere)on this one and I see "high-end" as a long term investment to be made carefully and enjoyed. That is why I have put my money where my mouth is and I now am the proud owner of a pair of Atma-Sphere Silver Edition MA-1 MkII.3 mono blocks and I could not be happier camper imo. Thanks Ralph. Great thread Justin_time. Enjoy!
All I know is when I played music in the 70s all we did is put it on the table and turn it up,no going listen to those highs or wow that bass goes deep,if it sounded good it sounded good,like half the crap today people will pay about anything for tunes,and most likey pay way to much for it.

try an EICo Hf-81 from 1958, you'll be surprised at the sound coming from it.

I love my 1978 Levinson/Curl ML2's 25 watts of class A.
Extremely musical with plenty of power. A better power supply then most amps today.