Theoretically, active loudspeakers could be amazing...until you add in the profit motive. I have not heard one yet that amazed me.
georgehifi, what on gods green earth are you talking about? I also have large ESL with subwoofers to which I cross at 120 hz using a full two way digital cross over. In my system everything stays digital until the final DACs right in front of the amps. I digitize my phono stage so it will fit in. There is only one digital to analog conversion. Once you are in numbers you can do whatever you want within limits without causing ANY distortion. This includes, crossovers, room control, EQ and adjusting group delays. The distortion is magnitudes less then analog gear and taking the bass out of the ESLs cleans them up to a remarkable degree. This is the state of the current art. Not using a digital high pass filter on your ESLs is audio suicide!
georgehifi, what on gods green earth are you talking about? I also have large ESL with subwoofers to which I cross at 120 hz using a full two way digital cross over. In my system everything stays digital until the final DACs right in front of the amps. I digitize my phono stage so it will fit in. There is only one digital to analog conversion. Once you are in numbers you can do whatever you want within limits without causing ANY distortion. This includes, crossovers, room control, EQ and adjusting group delays. The distortion is magnitudes less then analog gear and taking the bass out of the ESLs cleans them up to a remarkable degree. This is the state of the current art. Not using a digital high pass filter on your ESLs is audio suicide!