
I do not own a record cleaning machine yet. But i do plan to get one. I dry brush them with a carbon fibre brush for the moment before a playing. I do notice when lifting a record I have played off the turntable platter I get static electricity. Does anyone have experience with a Zerostat and does it work?
ALBERTPORTER - Would you be kind enough to give us the name of the brush and info as to where it can be purchased. Thanks.
I used to have a problem like that, then I ran a ground wire. I tied it from the bearing housing under the platter to the phono preamp ground. Now when static builds up from cleaning with a carbon fibre brush, it has a path to ground.

I am fanatical about keeping the humidity level,in my dedicated room,at an average of 50%.This has kept any static at bey.I have a built in humidifier in my heating system,however there are some really fine,low cost,units that are digitally controlled,which are small and portable,for floor use.Really easy to maintain,too.I have one of these too,and it is fabulous.Any Home Depot sells a variety of these,usually around 60 bucks,on average.I'm talking about heated moisture units.Best of luck.

PS--I use the Decca record brush,and have not got a trace of static.Funny though,my EMI's don't sound as good as my Decca's!
Zerostats come in real handy on dry winter days. You can also use them to zap cables. I wouldn't be without one.
For the last few specs of superficial dust, there is nothing better than the compressed air cans you can buy cheaply at Costco. For me, they have worked better than any brush.

Best wishes,