Zu Druid IV - the real deal?

i just got done setting up my brand new pair of Zu Druid IVs. they just arrived this afternoon. i am speechless. my girlfriend is too, and quite frankly she could not give a damn about what kind of speakers i have. i bought these speakers without having heard them before. i was just curious.

right out of the box they are remarkable, and i can only expect that they are going to get better. music simply floats out of them effortlessly. wow. i can't even describe it.

now get this; i have them hooked up to a $799 Denon 2803 a/v receiver. $25 Audio Quest interconnects and cheap speaker cable. this is my second system, which i use mainly for watching TV. in the other room i have what would be considered an "audiophile" grade system. i can only imagine what these Druids are going to sound like if i give them a spin in there.

oh yeah; i have a REL storm sub woofer filling in the low end.
Newbee has expressed my opinion better than I could. Thanks.

Mechans - That seems to me to be a very good question that you should put to the Zu boys. I would answer it here and now if I could but it never occured to me to ask so.........

Bartokfan - If you would take more care with spelling and punctuation, I would have a better idea of what you are saying. At times you are very clear and at other times I find your writings unintelligible. Please take your time and be more careful.
Macrojack, I hate to bust up your Zen

"Plainly, the two of us have different levels of acuity or, at the least, difference points of reference or taste. Neither of us is wrong and neither is an expert."

I disagree totally with your comment, because between the two of you only one is of any use to me as a speaker designer.

"What I'm getting at is the need for all of us to recognize that our values are perceived and our opinions. flawed."


Sounds are fleeting no matter how many times we replay them. The notion of an Absolute Sound is poppycock. How can the ephemeral be absolute?

Because the signal has been captured on a recording, frozen lifeless and Absolutely quantified my friend. For better or for worse....
Bartokfan - You are a boundless source of misinformation which most of us chuckle about and then move on. However, I want you to be well informed on at least one topic if you choose to discuss it, and that would be my beloved Zu speaker line. It is not a big or well funded corporation but rather a small startup with young and inventive owners like your friend Tyler. I have been to the Zu factory and I can tell you for certain that they have 9 employees. As far as innovation and the Danes go, you have supposed correctly. Zu has it all over them. The products that Zu has presented are all built around a wide bandwidth driver that produces uninterrupted signal from 40 Hz to 12 Khz. This design has been in the works for over 70 years but had been abandoned because of the inability of Western Electric to make it work well enough. The Zu boys took up the challenge and succeeded in their pursuit by using modern materials and instrumentation that was unavailable to WE's very capable staff. Use of a large surface area and very short excursion makes for a very quick and electrostatic like presentation. Since there is no crossover in the mix, the problems of time and phase alignment that challenge Tyler and virtually all other speaker manufacturers do not come up for Zu.
There are many other aspects of the Zu designs that are interesting and innovative, and I would encourage you to explore the topic further by reading and by asking questions of the factory. They will welcome your call.
D_edwards - I think my zen will be O.K. as long as you keep calling me friend. But I'm afraid that measurements aren't valued much around here. This is a very subjective and experiential crowd. We're more into what seems to be than what is, even though we speak in absolutes.
I loved your "frozen in time" thing.
>>I'm just a noob at this can you show me where a serious audio company has documentation on "breakin", especially as a linear function of usage?<<

So you have a lot to learn. Good for you. Email me and I will give you all the serious audio companies you wish to contact. Part of the learning process you know.