Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Just received notification from Eric that my Lore's shipped yesterday so I should have them mid next week!!
I will let you all know my impressions although I am an audiophile newbie, for what it's worth.

I'm currently running B&W 602S3's over Signalcables Ultra speaker cables with my Outlaw Audio 1070 receiver. I use a PS3 as my CD player while most audio listening comes from my macbook pro which connects to an airport express (airtunes) with an optical output to my Outlaw.

I've heard the Druids and Superfly's recently and liked the Druids slightly more (easier on my ears) so I'm really looking to see the difference between these and the Lores.

Stay tuned..
GPowered and Genjamon Thanks so much for your reviews and thoughts.


I'd really like to read your findings about the Lores as well. My gear is very similar to yours. I always wonder if speakers like the Lores require expensive high-end SS and Tube gear to get the best sound out of them.
04-08-11: Gpowered
So is it safe to say that these deliver just as much, if not more than the Soul SuperFly's at less than half of their price!??"

No, he did not say that. He said he heard a couple of songs on the Superflys in a hotel room.
Easy, tiger.
The Lore to Omen is the comparison to be made if you are comparing Tekton to Zu. Now that the Omens are $1500 I'd say nod to Lore, but I'm still waiting for someone to post who has heard both.
FYI - I have Tekton Katz Meow and Zu Omen and could write pretty much word for word what you guys are saying about the Lore for both of these guys. Fantastic speakers both, and I'm sure the Lore are as well.

Good to see another Ween fan here.

I'm also a Horn Shoppe owner and would be very interested in your impressions compared to those speakers.

Also, how difficult was it to integrate the Lore's with your sub? What crossover point did you use?

And is there anyone in the Chicagoland area with some Lores? I'd love to get a listen. Would even schlep over some amps to see how they sound with different amplification....