Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?


Showing 4 responses by 311mph

Just received notification from Eric that my Lore's shipped yesterday so I should have them mid next week!!
I will let you all know my impressions although I am an audiophile newbie, for what it's worth.

I'm currently running B&W 602S3's over Signalcables Ultra speaker cables with my Outlaw Audio 1070 receiver. I use a PS3 as my CD player while most audio listening comes from my macbook pro which connects to an airport express (airtunes) with an optical output to my Outlaw.

I've heard the Druids and Superfly's recently and liked the Druids slightly more (easier on my ears) so I'm really looking to see the difference between these and the Lores.

Stay tuned..

Glad to give you my reviews next week. I asked Eric about my receiver and the Lores and he said it will sound fantastic. He said a lot of his testing has been with a 30W amp so my 50W Outlaw should "rock out" (in Eric's words)..

We shall see!
I just received shipment of the Lore's last night and was super excited to finally try them out. Eric did a great job of packing them up and sent me easy instructions on how to unpack them correctly.
To avoid a big let-down during my first impression, I talked myself into having low expectations as to how they would sound fresh out of the box (before break-in) but was pleasantly surprised how fantastic they sounded! I started listening to the XX album first and WOW it sounded great. The first thing I noticed was the voice clarity. So smooth and effortless! The next thing that jumped out was the great detail on the highs. The little gold tweeter compliments the driver perfectly. The imaging was also good but I think it will improve a lot more over time. The Lore's easily produce enough bass to rattle the walls but do it without being boomy or overpowering. The only area lacking so far is the mid range, but not by much. I fully expect the mids to fill in as the speakers break in over time.
My initial experience is only based on the first 2-3 hours of runtime on the new Lore's. They have been running ever since so I will have a good 24 hours on them when I get home tonight. I can't wait to see how they progress over time!
Just my $0.02
Outlaw 1070 integrated-
I've been very happy with it