Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

From your review of the Pendragon, Gp:

Bottom line thus far: this new P-dragon has the potential to be the best speaker I have heard! It is leaving nothing to be desired.

The fact that you sold them in 6 weeks (!) might give readers an interesting perspective on your statements. ;) Certainly one can see why readers of this thread and the review would be surprised, no?

Anyway, enjoy!

If I could make a profit and try something interesting, I'd sell my pronounced best speaker too!!!
I thought GP done a great review of the Pendragon. And his comments on the Lore were spot on.
So give him a break, his zest for something good and zeal to share with others is a bennifit to all.
Gpowered, I hope you aren't discouraged by anyone.
I might sell my Corvette if a Ferrari came along at a great price.
Restless_times: really? Was my Lore review that far off? Did you not say that you were going to purchase a second pair you liked them so much? Did my review help you in making that purchase decision? Then why would you doubt my Pendragon review... ? If anything this should give it even more credibility, as this will hush the naysayers who accused me off being affiliated with Tekton Design.

Word to the wise: do not even consider length of time somone keeps something... it is irrelevant.
> Word to the wise: do not even consider length of time somone keeps something...
> it is irrelevant.

Irrelevant? Let's not get carried away.

There are certainly exceptions, but I'd suggest that when most of us find a piece of gear that really clicks, we keep it for considerably longer than six weeks.

Obviously, we respect your right to buy and sell as you wish, but to sell equipment so soon after describing it with such a fervor makes me think you're a really fickle 'phile!

Which is to say a bit farther down that path than the rest of us loons. ;-)