ZYX Airy 3x/SB vs. Dynavector XV-1 or 1s

Has anyone tried both cartridges and offer an opinion? I currently have the ZYX mounted on a Graham 2.2, on a Clearaudio Maximum Solution. Phono stage is the latest Klyne 7PX5.

I like the ZYX in terms of dynamics and detail, but can get a bit too bright (for my taste) at times. This could be a system specific characteristic for all I know but the cartridge I had before the ZYX wasn't quite as dynamic and detailed, but was neither as bright. I've heard the XV-1 (original version) on a Basis Debut/Graham 2.2 combo and was quite impressed. Also heard numerous positive comments re: the XV-1 but I'm not sure how this would sound on my system.

Any thoughts? TIA
Raul,what is your point,other than to make a scrambled egg sandwich,from the "Eggs dripping down" the faces of those Audiogoners who have "pitched" the INIV big time,for the last year,or so.All kidding aside,this all means NOTHING!!We have a comparison,from one,or two hobbyists.Hobbyist #1 did not load all cartridges to the exact requirements,and admitted to it.The ONLY way to find out how good a prescribed design is,is to audition one,fully broken in,at home.Not in a pal's system.Everything relates to our own perception,in our own system.To me,the Univ may still be something special.I won't know unless I hear one,in my set-up.That won't happen,any time soon,as I'm afflicted with a good disease,called "Happy For Now-Itis"!I suspect most hobbyists will succomb to this at some point.They'll be happy they did.Are you?
I posted this tid bit in another thread and thought it might be appropriate here as well. Here goes:

IMO the only response to Raul's posts is no response. He is entitled to his opinions, as misguided as most of them are, like everybody else here. The record is replete with his omniscient and combative ideas so why not let him go? I for one take no stock in anything he says and read them for the entertainment content. Roll with them and grab a few laughs.
Mustang,I see absolutely NO reason to ascribe to what you suggest.What's your point.If you really think that Raul,and all else' opinions are misguided,than why bother to correspond,yourself?

I find Raul's input to be quite simply,"alot of fun to read"!I don't agree with everything stated in all posts,and don't expect anyone to agree with everything I state.The object,which I'm sure Raul IS aware of,is to have some input,on subjects we are ALL trying to learn,a bit more,about!So sometimes we go a bit overboard.Big deal!Any laws broken?This is all supposed to be "FUN"!That's my take!You're entitled to see things differently.

Best regards,though!
Dear Sirspeedy: You know very well my point on ZYX cartridges and you know very well that: +++++ " other than to make a scrambled egg sandwich,from the "Eggs dripping down" the faces .... " +++++ this is never ever my attitude about: in this thread or any one.

The issue is that I like other persons have a different opinion about that cartridges: that's all.

I know that many times are not welcomed because what I say is not what the people " want to hear ".

I always try to help ( many people don't like to be helped ) and that's why I always post what is my experience about any subject not what the people " want to hear ". If I coming to post " what the people want to hear " ( for every body can be happy ) this attitude will be lewd/deshonest and very far from be a help for my " Audiogon friends ". Many people think that I'm their enemy and this is not true: I could be their enemy if I post what they want to hear.

My audio experiences tell me that all of us: music lovers, time to time have to make a stop on our audio development: several of my post can tell you that it is time to make that stop and think about for we can have a better quality sound reproduction on the near future. Many peoples in this forum choose not to do that stop ( fine with me ) and go on, other ones choose to do it and learn about. I learn every day reading the different post/threads, sometimes I " stop " and sometimes I run away.

Sirspeedy, tks for your support and understanding. Like always be happy like I'm.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I enjoy his posts too once you get past the arrogance and snobbery. They are quite entertaining perhaps even funny on occasion
BTW, you're taking yourself much too seriously.