ZYX cartridge and advice

I have read with great interest the comments on the ZYX FS cartridge. I have a mid-80’s Koetsu Rosewood that has been retiped once by Expert Styles in England. It now needs to be completely rebuilt. I can send it to SE Asia Koetsu and have it rebuild and upgraded to a Signature for $900.00 US or purchased the ZYX FS new for $1100.00 US from Juki in HK. Have you compared the two cartridges or listened to them, and what is your opinion?
Has anyone compaired the low or high output ZYX.

Thank you for your comments.

My system

Atma-Sphere M-60 MKII (with lots of mods)

Atma-Sphere MP-3 with S&B TX103 step up transformers

Reference #A De Capo i

Teres 245, Battery powered

Koetsu Rosewood

Morch DP-6

Harmonic Technology truth-link

Speaker Cable
Harmonic Technology Pro-11 6N
Zero Autoformers

Harmonic Technology Pro-Ac11 power cords
Chang 3200 power conditioner (for the CD player)
Target R4 stands
30 amp dedicated power source
I listen 80% classical 20% Jazz

It is hard for me to imagine why anyone would ever trade in a Koetsu, especially rebuilt by Koetsu, for another brand. The cartridge you own is a unique work of art that can be rebuilt into an Urushi or higher if you desire and will only IMPROVE with age, provided it is well cared for. To me, the investment in a Koetsu is a listening pleasure investment for life. BTW I also like and use HT cables.
If you can have your old Rosewood rebuilt to Signature level for $900, I can't imagine why you haven't sent it off already. Being the owner of a Rosewood Signature Platinum, I can tell you that I would. Add a bottle of LP#9 and enjoy!
LP#9 is truly a must for fine cartridges, as are all of Record Research's products. I'm not a paid endorser, just an extremely satisfied customer/user.