ZYX too light for my Shroeder arm. Help

I have a Schroeder Model two arm, but even with the counterweight all the way in and the cartridge moved all the way to the end, I still cant get the tracking force to 1.8grams.

What to do? Add mass tot he cartridge/tonearm. How should i do it? Thanks for any advice.
Hi Petug,

1. You didn't mention which ZYX you have, but if it doesn't have the optional SB or GB weight then you've got the wrong cartridge for that tonearm. An unweighted ZYX will never perform well on a Schroeder Model Two.

2. Schroeder offers a heavier mounting plate for cartridges that need extra mass. Assuming you have (or will switch to) a ZYX with the SB or GB weight, order the Schroeder weight from your dealer or from Frank directly. That will notably improve your bass response and overall dynamics.

Unfortunately, the silver base cannot be added by the owner. It is permanently installed by Nakatsuka-san during assembly of the cartridge.


P.S. For fun, I've tried using external headshell weights with a ZYX. Bad idea. The sound, while weightier, went smeared and murky. It lost that astonishing clarity that makes a ZYX a ZYX.
Frank makes a brass mounting plate for the No.2 which should fit better with the ZYX. The ZYX Bloom R50 I had had a really low compliance and needed a real heavy arm.
I have the R50 Bloom, are the other models in the zyx line more suitable to the shroeder?
My ZYX R-1000 Airy S balanced fine on the Graham tonearm but I wanted to add a bit weight to emulate the silver base. Solution? Use stainless steel screw and nut. I used 3 nuts with each screw to maximize the weight. The extra weights does make it sound cleaner and tighter.