ZYX Universe and Lyra Titan

I've been reading a lot about the Universe lately but have not read any comparisons with the Titan. Anyone heard them in similiar set-ups? Since I own a Helicon, I receive about a $1,400 credit trading it in for a Titan. Is the Universe $1,300 better at $4,700? I recognize the subjectivity of the question but does anyone have any strong opinions? Thanks.

We listened to the UNIverse on both a TriPlanar VII and a Schroeder Ref. Unfortunately we only heard the Lyra on the Ref, due to lack of time. You can only do so much in five days.

FWIW, there was no significant performance drop on switching to the TriPlanar. Many were surprised at how close the UNIverse/TriPlanar was to the UNIverse/Ref. The differences were a matter of taste. The UNIverse/TriPlanar had more leading edge crispness and PRaT. The UNiverse/Ref had more harmonic richness and ambience. Exactly what I'd expect from these two arms. The ZYX revealed the character of each.

I suspect the Olympos would have acted about the same. It is a superbly honest and revealing cartridge.

The Titan is not a literal replacement for the Olympos. It's more like a real-world design vs. a design that became unrealistic to produce. AFAIK, Lyra stopped making the Olympos *only* because the magnets it required became prohibitively expensive and/or unobtainable. The Titan uses more readily available materials. I don't know if anyone other than Lyra has directly compared them.

Your recollection about my "high end" experience was almost correct. We've owned some high end components since 1991, but only got into high end vinyl a couple of years ago. (Had to pay off the mortgage first.) I can't imagine why anyone would care, but thanks for asking.

Paul is my partner of 22 years. He has better ears than me, more brains than me (PhD in a real discipline vs. my lowly BA), makes more money than me, cooks better than me and has more fun beating up on Cello via private emails than he could ever have posting here. He also has no tolerance for fools, so I am truly grateful he doesn't read many of my posts!


I just thought at the time that your learning curve seemed pretty steep and your exposure to so many different “hard to audition” components was extensive in such a short time.

I may not always agree with your points but they are always well stated. I respect your opinions.
Nice to see audiophiles behaving so well. Doug--I knew/know,and think the utmost of those,like you,who always take the high road. I,myself try to be a bit provoking,at times,yet don't ever want to be seen as meanspirited(I'm not implying anything towards you,Gmorris,as I like your occassional contrarian nature).I do wish you'd rear your head more,as it could make for some interesting banter.

As for giving Cello a hard time,it seems that I may have inadvertently cut him off,on the road,while driving.Sorry!The silence seems to send a message,and don't fret.It's O.K!!
Dear Doug: I don''t understand your reply to me. Like I already post: five days of analog fun, nothing more.

I think that you already know my opinion about audio tests with more than one people: it's only fun.

A serious ( I'm not saying that you and your audio friends are not serious about ) audio test is something extrictly personal: with out any external influences, in a control of all parameters, in a very well know of the audio system and in the long run time. When there are two or more persons in an audio test a simple head movement from any one of those persons has a great influence in the others ones. There are many other issues and why's the audio tests has to be: personal ( one and only one ).

Regards and enjoy the music.

You've been outvoted by the six of us. LOL. We still respect your opinion even if it's wrong. Just kidding. You do make a good point about the power of peer pressure but in this case I feel each of us has a fairly strong personality and unafraid of voicing an opinion outside the "supposed" group influence. About the only thing we all really agree on is the strengths of the ZYX lineup. Is a UNIverse the best cartridge made? I honestly don't know but it's certainly in the running. You are very right in that this was a fun time. I wish you could join the group some day since we have so much more in common than we have differences. Best to all, especially Richardmr with whatever cartridge he selects. Let us know, please.