That's a great setup! I'd love to hear the Jhors linked to high efficency speakers.
I looked at Daedulus myself but ended up going used for budget reasons when doing my first high efficiency setup for my HT system. Found a full set of AR speakers from the 1990s on Craigslist. The mains, center, surrounds and rears all exceed 95db efficiency, with stupid easy impedance curves.
The L and R main towers have internal, powered subs... 15" drivers with dedicated 500w Sunfire amps. House-shaking WUMP, yet surprisingly decent on LF music too. As Raul once rhetorically asked, yes, you DO need two subwoofers. ;-)
Since freqs below ~100 Hz go to the subs, my 100wX7 Marantz surround receiver is just coasting, no matter how loud I play.
This setup lacks the bat-eared resolution of my Doshi Alaap/Doshi Lectron/B&W 803D. The tweeters in particular can't compare with the B&W diamonds... few tweeters can. However, its overall openness and immense dynamics with no trace of strain, clipping or overload down to 20Hz are really enjoyable... particularly as all 7.2 speakers and the Marantz cost less than 1/3 the price of one 803D. ;-)
I can only imagine how much better yours must sound.
Now back to your regularly scheduled, obsolete, yet never bettered musical storage and playback medium. :-)