Audio Magic and other Power Line Conditioners

I hope to soon upgrade my PLC. I'm currently using isolation transformers on each of my digital front end power cords (1 for the transport and 2 for the dac). I don't have any AC filtration/conditioning for the amp. I've tried a Velocitor in place of my current set up. While it did some things very well (space, speed,transients,) I found the overall sound a little threadbare and lacking in substance/solidity. At the time I felt that, even with a change of power cords, the sound would still be a little to ghost like for my taste.

I guess what I'm looking for is something inbetween what I've got now (transformers) and what the Velocitor offers. I like the lucidity/warmth of the isolation transformers, but I know I'm giving up speed (timing), transient defintion etc. I was wondering about other peoples experience, especially with regard to plugging their amps into the conditioners. (I've got 2 sub amps and 1 SS 100W stereo amp, none of which are being filtered)

Mr W- Give me a hint as to how this "new improvement" works(I won't be able to call until tomorrow PM). Obviously Jerry doesn't want us drilling out all those nifty pop-rivets.

I think Warren might be referring to this:
I use the AM Nexus and the mini ref. I also have the Pulse Gen in my CDP as well as his ground buster. It is awesome!!! Have no worries, go for it.
Try the LATEST offerings from PS Audio. Even their cheapest $299 Duet will make wonder to your amp. Just add a good power cord like their Statement SC for your amp. which is 30% off right now. You will be happy.