Best next step to upgrade sound?


I just put together a home theater system with a mid-range Marantz AV Receiver, Marantz DVD player, and Infinity tower speakers. The sound is actually pretty good, I think. My question is: In terms of improving my 2 channel audio sound, what should my next upgrade be? Assuming that I am going to stick with the speakers for at least a little while, I am thinking that a Rega or Music Hall CD player would be a good step up for cd listening. Or should I consider a separate audio-only pre/pro? (Assume that the AVR receiver will stay because it's there for the video duties as well). Any advice in this area would be appreciated.
Blindjim, as to your recommendation of adding an external amp:

Will I be able to hear a difference at moderate volume levels? (Obviously this depends on amp quality) If it's a question of more power, I don't think I need that -- my AVR is 100W -- but if a quality external amp can offer increased sound benefit in most listening situations, that is something I will consider.

One thought I had is that I could use an external amp to power the front L + R channels, and use the AVR to power the center and surrounds. That way I would have the benefit of the amp for 2-channel listening, and I could purchase a 2 channel amp instead of a multi-channel. Thoughts?
Upgrade the receiver to one of the high end ones and you'll be surprised at how good everything sounds. If you can do a separate pre/pro/amp, even better, but don't think the do the new lossless formats yet.
Braudio 7, the key to great sound (along with great speakers and a source, of course) is the amplifier. Great, beautiful sound happens in the amp. At any listening level.

There's watts, then there's WATTS!

your thoughts are my own too, for the present. I use an Odyssey Stratos SE I bought new and well outfitted direct from Klaus just a couple months ago. Bought it without audition too.... just based upon recommendations I got from right here on the 'gone.

It does nothing I can really take it to task about and to be very honest, I’m quite impressed with the performance given the price. But there are many such amps around I suppose.

I plan on adding either another 3 ch Odyssey amp, or moving directly onto the Odyssey Extreme Mono blocks. the latter format will make the TX SR 805 drive my middle and rears. I will probably opt for the former scenario as I have a pretty decent two ch tube rig in place already. Having around a pair of SS monos as well as a pair of hollow state monos is just a real nicety or plus, not a necessity.

How an amp performs at whatever level depends on more than just the amp itself. Generally speaking, At 1600 - 1750 new, the Odyssey isn't an Oh my God, or even out freaking' standin', amp.... but it is very good. In performance and value. To be sure, I’ve a fair amount vested in cables too though.

Even using only the Onkyo 805 receiver through a pair of MIT Shotgun S2s, it does mighty good. Mighty good indeed.

I hardly ever peel the paint with it... if at all. Average to moderate levels is about all I can stand. 94db avg is about my max, and then for only a single song or two. Some ZZ or DEf is usually the ticket for me then... elsewise, it's Ella, Frank, Eva, blues, and big band jazz... some Americana as a rule…. And hollow state power.

A quality amp will play well regardless the volume, if all else is in order. Speakers mainly are it's limiting factor, though the whole of the system can't be discounted or ignored either.

My speakers are rated at 93db, so I'm not getting into the meat of the amps power band at all. Likely I'm running it most often around 12wpc or less. 80-90% of what we hear usually is made in the first 20wpc. So it ain't a question of watts. Lots of watts just gives you headroom... and safety.

The amp puts out reprtedly 180wpc… the rec puts out reprtedly 130wpc. What’s the diff? Definition. Impact. Stage. Tone. Body. All were improved, some marginally, some more so.

IMO it comes down to quality of the amp itself, not the max output. Evidence of a quality amp can be determined without cranking the volume. That's for kids... and those who perceive very loud as very good. Mo betta definition, more natural tonality, better control, depth of soundstage, solid imaging, etc., earmark the better amps. Weight too is a clue. Power supplies are key, and better ones aside from switching and digital amps, have great big transformers and quality parts connecting them to the circuit topology. There's more clues of course, but your ears and budget will make that call... or as with me, trust. I simply trusted some other members I've gotten to know here and went on their say so this last go ‘round..

Don't ignore the aspect of a real nice integrated unit either, as I suspect you want a very good two ch setup in the end. In the 1500 - 2500 used mkt, some great amps, and some great ints can be had.

it's all in what your mindset and or long range plans are about, and the budget too, in the end. Both ways will be a step up. Have no fear about that. ATI, Odyssey, McCormack, Parasound, and other's have a lot to offer in used gear for under $1K. Add a nice power cord to it, and I assure you things will improve sonically.... and there's tons of threads here on "best amps under..." to read too. I’m sure you’ll do what is good for you and yours, which ever way you choose to go. Take care.
Blindjim, Cerrot, thanks for the thoughtful responses, they are appreciated. What I am going to do first is spend some time listening to my modest system now and ask myself what it needs. The next step will most likely be an external amp or a dedicated cd player. But I'm also rethinking the whole "cd thing" as well. Why not just use the MacBook and an external DAC?

In terms of an amp, what I'd really be excited about is tube power. I enjoy the warm sound of tube amplifiers with my electric guitars, and I'm asking myself if that isn't the sound I'm looking for. I've got some decisions to make.