Life As I knew in My Audio World Has Ended, Help

My routine has been turned upside down and I no longer have any real listening time, it's killing me. My normal weekday routine allowed me to do serious and relaxing listening at a great time, now it's gone. I would workout from roughly 4:30am to 5:20 or so, get home, shower, eat breakfast, and then listen for 45min-1 hour before heading off to work. My hours at work have been moved up one hour so I no longer have that time. Working out at another time is not an option. I figured I would have to listen at the less desirable time of late afternoon but have not gotten around to it yet. Any suggestions out there? Weekends are usually busy.
The US is arse about face, we have all the luxuries that our EU brethren can only dream about, but we generally have not a lot of time to enjoy our hobbies. In the EU the workers have the time, but not the money. This is really just a 'general' observation and obviously not true of everybody here or there.
SUV's here are driven by the masses. How many in the UK have and can afford an SUV? Prince Charles and Madonna?.

As Miss piggy once said 'make time'.
09-08-08: Mrtennis

"if we are so addicted to listening to music , it is a drug and no longer a source of enjoyment."

Mrtennis,the man asked for some type of logical response and you surely gave him one. (NOT) 8^(

Addiction: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming "substance" (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful...8^(

Hobby: a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in "especially for relaxation"...8^)
A lot of us have very busy lives and extremely tight schedules. But only you can set your priorities. Since you've asked for advice, though, I can tell you that my own solution for music-listening time involves avoiding television in the evening and most other times as well. This allows me time to practice the instruments I play (morning) and time to listen (late evening).

You can always Tivo shows that you want to watch at some point. Seems to me that there's nothing urgent about TV, since 95 percent of broadcast TV is nonsense and vulgarity aimed at fools or dupes. IMHO. But if I don't get to listen to good music daily, that's a big problem for me. If you are a television viewer, ask yourself whether you enjoy that as much as listening to music.
...this is what I tell my anyone else who needs to know: IF I CANNOT FIND TIME TO RELAX...IM USELESS. Relax = anything you need to do to reach short term equilibrium...period. Kids have too many activities...CUT SOME OUT....wife complains...leave for a few days and let her get a taste of reality...when you come back she will not bother you for quite a while......I make these things clear to everyone that needs to know. Period. Works for me I guess. GOOD LUCK TO YOU MY FRIEND!!
The good thing about this hobby is all your gear and music will be there to welcome you back like an old friend when you have time to enjoy. Take a day off now and then to spend time with your metal mistress, and hey there is always retirement to look forward to :)