The Most You Have Paid For Shipping

A co-worker of mine frequently sells items on Ebay. He told me that he has recently been getting frequent inquiries as to whether he is willing to ship overseas. I was surprised when he told me that the cost to ship a single shirt overseas is about forty dollars. Wow! I immediately thought of the heavy audio equipment that many of you here on audiogon have shipped great distances. What is the most you have ever paid for shipping? Where did you ship from and to?
I shipped an old Counterpoint DAC to Japan last year (USPS)...I don't recall it being all that expensive? ($50-$60).

Your friend is probably making good money on the shipping, which seems very typical of Ebay sellers.
A bone of contention for me and probably others also.
I sent a handbag to the EU for $7.
I recently sent a 21 lb. package to Cape Town, SA via UPS Worldwide Saver (Express). It arrived in 4 days in perfect shape, but, and this is a huge but, at a cost of $331.50. This, believe it or not, included a significant discount which I receive from UPS for shipping about 900 packages a month. How's that for being stupid? BTW, this was with no additional insurance purchased.