Need advice from experienced sellers

I have a well regarded integrated amp which has a dim display. I've discussed having this repaired with the manufacturer and the cost of repair with shipping could run as high as $400-$500. I've noticed these units go quickly at $3000 and few have been available recently.

I've pondered whether to sell the unit as is with a discount to compensate for the fact that it isn't 100% or risk having it sent in for repair. If I send it in for repair should I sell it from the repair site or have it shipped back to me so I can check it out and verify its condition before selling. How would you handle this?

Thanks in advance!
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You could list it with the problem mentioned and if the buyer wants you could send it in to be repaired and then shipped to the buyer to save extra handeling.
i ditto the sell as is. Let your potential buyers make the decision. I sold an amp that had some shipping damage to the heatsinks. the amp worked great, but at 4k, you wouldn't want to pay full price. After considering the shipping damage coverage, i was still able to sell the unit to folks that were glad to get a great piece at a steal of a deal.

Remember that lot's of time, local folks will buy knowing they can check it out, and make a decision after seeing it.

BTW if it's a BAT 300xSE maybe i would buy it. :-)
Have you considered getting a second opinion on the repair locally that doesn't involve shipping? I suggest this because a dim display may be nothing more than a poorly soldered LED light connection, or a faulty LED bulb. Hardly a $400-$500 repair. The manufacturer, who hasn't yet seen the unit, nay be overestimating the problem because they don't know what it is yet. They don't want to say: "Oh, it's just a 50 cent light bulb", then find it's something more serious and come back to say: "Our original estimate was too low. You need a circuit board replaced for $500". Consumer laws in many places preclude people from lowballing estimates and then asking for more. So people err on the side of caution by overestimating a bit.