Why do dealers do this?

I'm an old fashioned guy. I like to make my audio purchases from a store and have a person I deal with, establish a relationship, and know that I have someone I can call when I need things. That is why I went into one of the larger stores in my area the other day, ready to audition a couple of things and buy my system. I had a very clear idea of what I wanted, asked to listen to a component with a view to buying it.
The dealer had a completely wrong approach from the start, and it is not a unique situation. I know many good folks in the business are on these forums, so I want to ask why this happens.
From the moment I set foot in the store he created an atmosphere of fairly intense pressure. He started with "you know, I only demo for buying customers". Throughout the visit, I felt continuously pressured to buy on the spot. I was forced to cut my visit short and I was unable to fully appreciate the component I was auditioning. I went from wanting to buy to wanting to run away - who feels comfortable buying something when pressured and rushed to do so right away? So I left the store unsure that I would want to do business with him. Had I had a good experience, and a knowledge that I can go to the store any time and have a good experience rather than have to find a way to "escape" the pressure I would not only have been happy to buy what I wanted, but would have been back often for other purchases. I cannot for the life of me understand where this comes from. One argument I heard is that store owners don't want to have people audition things and then buy online. Well, first off short of refusing to have a show room I don't see how you can make completely sure of that. So, wouldn't making the customer feel comfortable in your store be a better strategy? For me, I now want to shop online rather than go back. And here is one more twist. All online dealers for the product I was looking at make it clear they will not sell to anyone who has a dealer in their area. So I could not buy that online anyway!!
Can anyone enlighten me? Why can I not go to a local store and have that be a pleasant experience any more?
Good story by Danlib 1...we're all guilty of pre-judging to a certain extent, and a lot of salesmen are even more guilty of it. It's a real challenge to hear different audio equipment in peace that's why I consider events like RMAF a blessing...
I generally find the dealers in Singapore and Malaysia much more friendlier.You could walk and have a chat and have a listen with no string attached for hours on end.

The biggest difference i see between here in Southeast asia and US is that most of the dealers in SEA are the owners themselves..You generally learn a lot from them and always feel welcome.

Many of my friends from abroad has started buying from here ..and there generaly could't believe how nice the dealers are compare to US.

Likewise,during my time in the UK,I find that most dealers there are very nice and knowladgeable
That kid won't be in sales long. I usually pay cash for Mustang GT's but the Dealers try to work with people that finance to make more money. I always get more than one dealership involved and once paid a little more to another dealership to keep the money out of the other ones hands. Since then it has been yes Sir all the way anytime I step onto the lot. Too bad this great Country has gone to hell over greed and ego. I love cars, music, rare coins, guitars, and other things that I can live with out, but I can't understand why everyone today has to hit the home run every time. You won't get rich or last that way.
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Thank you for all the replies. Wow, I tapped into a well of frustration here, I am glad to hear it's not me (I was worried it was me shifty eyes...). The number of replies shows the extent of the problem.
Since someone mentioned this, in the 70 or so minutes I spent there I did not see one other customer walk in, on a week-end day in the middle of the day. I guess others had figured the store out before me...
I always hoped audio dealers would have a love of this stuff and be a different category than car dealers (nothing against car dealers, I know plenty who are great people, but we all agree that business overall has a certain reputation). I guess I will give other stores a chance and look more closely to online options.
To brighten the mood, I remember the first store I spent audio money in. In a small town, but with a lively music scene. I spent over two hours there the first time I went, and the guy (must have been one of the salesmen) spent that time taking my wife and I through hugely expensive equipment set-ups and just teaching us about audio in general - it was very clear we would not even dream of buying any of that. He just seemed to have a blast doing that. So, one year later (yes, I did not even buy anything for a whole year!), when I finally decided to buy a system, guess where I went? This is what I want in an audio store. Educate your potential customers, and make them feel comfortable and maybe even have lots of fun in your store. Most of them will be back to spend money.