Dedicated line problem

I had my house installed with one dedicated line running to my entertainment center when I built it. In the breaker box there is one circut dedicated for the entertainment center.

I have a full Isoclean setup $$$ running out of this line. When I turn on/off a ceiling fan/light I can hear a loud popping sound coming from my speakers. Should this happen or did the install go wrong?

What can I do to fix this problem if there is one?
Understood that the system is in the living room. Understood that the ceiling fan is in the bedroom. What Apachefl is asking is 'are you sure that the circuit that powers the ceiling fan is NOT taken from (taped from) the living room circuit'?

Understood that you built the house. Do you have a relationship with the wiring installer? He could likely answer this question. If not, what I would do, first, is take down enough of the ceiling fan that I could temporarily install the 'broadcast end' of a circuit tester and then take the 'finder end' and go back to the service panel and find which of the breakers is feeding this circuit. There may be more sophisticated (easier to hook up) circuit testers, but this is the only type the I have used. This may answer this question.

In houses that have a 'production wiring job', it has been my experience that there are many 'shortcuts' that may be taken to make the job 'easier'. IF, and that may be a big if, the ceiling fan fan 'fed' from your dedicated circuit, what you are experiencing would certainly be a likely outcome.

The other thing that I would suggest from my experience (I completely re-wired our home and installed new service panels), is to carefully check and make sure that your ground system is clean, tight and well earthed with adequate ground rods coupled together.
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The best way to dedicate a circuit(s) for a home system would be a seperate sub panel with all the dedicated outlets connected to it. No other lighting fans or dishwasers just outlets. Any problems you know where the source is
lol I have the exact same problem. The electrician thought I was batshit out of my mind for asking for a dedicated line to the den and the bedroom and I am wondering if he just lied to me and didn't do it.
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