Anyone go without power conditioning

I'm currently running 3 dedicated lines with upgraded power cords. I have borrowed an Equitech unit and also the smaller version of the Audience conditioner. I thought both were very good but not worth the 2000.00 price tag. I'd rather put my money into a better cartridge or vinyl. I'm wondering if anybody out there feels as I do. I'm not knocking anyone that uses power conditioning I just feel I can spend my money more wisely.
Its defenseless against lightning no matter what you got.Lots of tech articles in French will bear out my last sentence....Sure,YMMV,Bob
I have a full Isoclean system.

Running the amp through the Isoclean did not produce the best results but going directly into the wall did. Running the CDP/TT power supply through the Isoclean is a 35% improvement in sound. TV/DVD picture is outstanding with the Isoclean.

I can't see getting rid of the Isoclean gear in the near future as it is the foundation of my system.
~~~~Yes, though I only listen when weather conditions are safe. High winds, lightning, and heavy power usage in heat waves will cause me to not use my audio system. One thing I always do is unplug the system when not in use.
When running pro-audio pa systems, all components, except amps, are protected. Weather "usually" does not stop an event, the show goes on. The theory is: better to have an event with less transparency than to have no event at all due to equipment failure. Spare amps are on hand. I have shut down rehersals due to close lightning strikes for 15 to 20 min.

Just The Facts