Turntable - On the Wall or to the Floor?

I'm in the process of buying a new analog front end. It was recently recommended to me that I make every effort to put my turntable on a stand that's tied into my "real" wood suspended floor rather than put it on a wall.

I have a 1920 farm house and the floors are loose, wavy, and I can't find a level spot. I once tried my Billy Baggs stand with my old turntable setup and this was scary.

My walls are 2x6 and plaster. I was going to use a Target shelf that's secured to the studs. Doesn't this method also tie the TT to the floor since the studs and floor joists are tied? Any suggestions?
Put it wherever it is less likely to move. In your case, the wall. For other people with solid, concrete floors, it would be the floor. A load bearing wall is better than a non-load bearing wall since such walls will be over foundation walls or supporting posts. Yes, putting it on the wall will result in it being connected to the floor, but you are minimizing the effect of the bouncy floor because of the extra mass that you are attaching the table to.
Thanks Bdgregory. Yes, this has always been my understanding as well, but there is a large community of audiophiles and manufacturers who support the use of wood, such as maple, for its natural dampening properties. This then translates to a better sound signature. If you use thick layers of wood then you also take care of vibration.

One analogy is about how a tall maple tree can stay erect during a severe wind storm? It is because the tree absorbs a lot of the energy and dampens it.

Another popular material being used is slate. In my mind the best solution would be to put the TT on the wall for vibration, and then use a slab of something under the table for dampening.

I'm not an engineer and I only care about the sound...and, I don't want my tonearm bouncing off the surface.
There is another solution that I have used when faced with a flimsy floor which transmits footfalls to the turntable - hang the turntable from the ceiling with 4 guy wires attached through turnbuckles attached to a large shelf. The turnbuckles are used to level the table.
I placed the shelf-turntable assembly close to a wall where horizontal sway could be controlled through two small springs located horizontally between the edge of the shelf and the wall. Works great. My turntable is an Oracle Alex III. The effect is quite stunning, also, since one cannot see the guy wires, so the turntable appears to be 'suspended' (excuse the pun) in air.

Salut, Bob P.
You know that's funny that you mention this method. Years back, I remember reading an article...I think it was Stereophile...he talked about such a method, saying that the best possible isolation would be suspending the table in space. Did you read that back then?

Anyway, this won't work for me because the look here is old farm house. I'd probably get divorced and have to move out...wait...then I'd have a new space and...hah...hah!