Sorry for overwhelming.... I meant to share that I recently went to a evening called Music Matters with my audio buddy. I was 10' from Fremer. Our 'analog man'.
He played some hi-rez files from his Continuum table. Some Joni Mitchell, Who, Rolling Stones.
These sounded GREAT! My friend remarked to me later how the rhythmic drive, propulsion of the music was apparent. That made an impression on me. The Stones as we all know aren't known for sonics, in this case, it was the best I've ever heard. The source was a MFSL lp. The tt in the room was a SME 10. A copy of The Band was played, the sense of realism was apparent.
I, of course made a fool of myself when I remarked about his giving a copy of "Rough Mix" to Classic for their reproduction of that lp cover. maybe I'm the only one who noticed.