I found his comments about his preference for the ET2 with this cart to be interesting; I wish he had elaborated on the reasons why.
Frogman - when you contact Bruce maybe he can confirm this.
This information is from Bruce from his testing - it was posted earlier in the thread somewhere near the beginning.
The ET 2.0 smaller diameter spindle resonates at 5-6 hz. This applies to regular and high pressure 2.0 models.
The ET 2.5 which only came as a higher pressure model has a larger diameter spindle resonating at 2-3 hz.
If I have a choice I usually run MC on my 2.5 and MM on the 2.0 but both work well with either. The higher compliance MM's (imo - resonating higher) just seem to work better to my ears on the ET 2.0. Less tweaking involved in setup. So I agree with what Bruce said. With that I have the 420str on my 2.5 right now and it sounds great.