Need basic iPod help...

I am looking for advice (or a good link) on how to get the best performance from my iPod (both iTunes downloads and my own burned CD's) when connected to my AV receiver. I'm assuming this gets discussed to-death, but I have not found the good info I am looking for.

Thank in advance!
To your question about downloading from iTunes, if your interest is in getting the best possible sound quality and you have the option of ripping the same music from a CD, yes, it's a bad idea to download from iTunes. All iTunes music is in lossy, compressed format and won't sound as good in a high-resolution system.

On the other hand, the selection in iTunes is huge and for lots of uses the quality is just fine.
That's what I thought. Maybe I will use iTunes for the kid's music and only rip CD's for the stuff I really care about.
do the math - depending on your tastes and how many cds you plan to acquire you might do better buying used on Amazon - and no limitations on how you use the music ever after

Like Metralla I have 2000 cds and nary a one from iTunes.

And yes I had one of Vinnies iPods for awhile. Long gone now but it was lovely while I had it
Thanks for the suggestion to buy used CD's on Amazon. Certainly makes a lot of sense. I will explore this option. Is Amazon one of the better places to look for used music?

iTunes is like buying a candy bar in the check-out aisle of the grocery store. Immediate and convenient, but not very good for you...
I agree that for any kind of critical listening you'd want the highest quality file possible for your music server, CD quality at a minimum and even higher if you can find it.

But, I listen to music in a lot of situations, planes, the gym, in the car, where the difference between a 256kbps mp3 and a lossless file just isn't audible. Being able to download and discover new music conveniently and cheaply is great. I don't get a lot of music from iTunes but have a subscription to that I've found to be great for exploring music I might not otherwise ever know about.