Dear Dover, great stuff! Thank you.
I will definitely try removing the heat shrink and the Teflon insert. When I first got the magnesium wand, if memory serves, I was using a Spectral MCR which benefited from the extra mass and dampening of the magnesium wand; with the aluminum wand it was lean and white to the point of being unpleasant sounding in spite of it's tremendous detail retrieval and speed (Raul?). I did not try your magnet dampening tweak as I use the damping trough with my ET2 and lateral movement is already well controlled; I am intrigued however and will try it.
Thanks again, and I will report back after I live with the aluminum wand a little longer.
I will definitely try removing the heat shrink and the Teflon insert. When I first got the magnesium wand, if memory serves, I was using a Spectral MCR which benefited from the extra mass and dampening of the magnesium wand; with the aluminum wand it was lean and white to the point of being unpleasant sounding in spite of it's tremendous detail retrieval and speed (Raul?). I did not try your magnet dampening tweak as I use the damping trough with my ET2 and lateral movement is already well controlled; I am intrigued however and will try it.
Thanks again, and I will report back after I live with the aluminum wand a little longer.