production or reproduction

all components are imperfect, i.e., each has a sonic signature which can be identified after some duration of careful listening.

while many embrace neutrality or attempt to minimize the audibility of a sonic signature as their goal when configuring a stereo system, after one's best efforts, all stereo systems will exhibit some "color".

why not accept the fact that a stereo system has some "flavor", and therefore, select your favorite?

less color is not intrinsically better than more coloration. rather it is the conventional wisdom and opinion of many audiophiles that a consistent sonic signature is indicative of a less-than-ideal state of performance. however, since the goal of listening to music is pleasure and that the end result of our hobby is entertainment, coloration may not be so important.

since all stereo systems are imperfect reproducers of a recording, they are producers of something other than the
recording itself.

why try to achieve perfect reproduction when it doesn't exist ?
Post removed 
MrT, I am now convinced more than ever that you are not a music lover, you are an equipment-o-phile. You always seem to focus on gear, and never seem to be tapping your toes.

'Talking' with you is just a waste of time, as you are an antagonist by nature. Any thread you start makes me feel as if I've just walked in the door of a Monty Python "Argument Skit".

That's not true....yes it it's not....yes it is.....Now you're not arguing, you're just contradicting I'm not....yes you I'm not...yes you are, look, you just did it I didn't.....yes you did, there, you just did it I didn't.....yes you did......

One feels just like a dog chasing his own tail....what's the point?
I don't want to argue about metal boxes and links, I just want to wash myself in the soothing, flowing music. Stop being so ANALytical and just ENJOY some music for a change.

why try to achieve perfect reproduction when it doesn't exist ?

Could not agree more. Besides if "reproduction" is imperfect then it simply the best excuse to practice it that much more often! (headaches not withstanding)