Fed Ex Ground Shipping Woes

I've had two situations over the past 3 months where FedEx has caused shipping damange. I have had zero prior issues with them in the last 4 years. They immediately rejected the claim on the first item (packed in the OEM Box with original packaging materials and cited "insufficient packaging."

I learned quickly and recently had a seller professionally package an amp that was being shipped to me. The professional packer used a double-boxing system with at least 4 inches of rigid foam and Styrofoam peanuts. Shippers typically require a minimum of 3 inches of insulation around the unit.

To make a long story short, FedEx managed to managle the outer shipping container, mangle the inner shipping container, and damage the unit.

I'm at a loss for words......

Has anybody had better luck with one of the other couriers or any tips? I thought that both the seller and I did everything humanly possible to ensure safe delivery.
Tvad, while I do agree with your extreme example, it has been my experience that sellers and buyers can work together to satisfy both.
You seem to be stuck on the fact that the buyer can hold both product AND money. I have never found this to be the case. In the few times when I had shipping damage, I instructed the buyer to hold the item for inspection of the shipping company. On both occasions the shipping company picked up the item for further inspection.

Once the shipping company had the item in their hands, I refunded the buyer his money. I then persued the shipping company for damage payments, which I received in both cases.

Now I certainly could be paranoid, and feel the buyer is a scam artist, but I have not found this to be true yet...for me. Saying that, I would not refund the buyer the funds as long as the buyer maintained control of the item.

In the end, common sense should prevail on both parties. If it doesn't, then we panic. From my experiences, I've only paniced as a buyer......thank goodness for my CC bank to bail me out of a couple of bad sales. In both cases, I gave the damaged unit up to Paypal or the bank before my credit was cleared, only because the shipper was in cognito.

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I recently had bad experiences with FedEx AND UPS, day late, dollar short, dropped from Empire State building, had to chase down package myself, etc.

Of course, we get blamed by "insufficient packing or insurance" yeah right, typical scenario, what else ?

How bout the fact I used special shipping boxes, fragile handle with care, this end up, do not drop labels plastered everywhere and the best conceivable packing material possible ?

What options are left, drive it yourself or Pony Express ?