Jadem6 stumbled... but hasn't fallen. Yet.

If I am overstepping the line in writing on my own initiative... please be tolerant with me. Moderators are most welcome to consider if this is appropriate.

This is about JD Macrae, known to most of us as Jadem6 or the JD behind Jade Audio --one of the most meticulous audiophiles & generous with his knowledge (see his recent classic on diy cables). I have corresponded with JD, on & off over the past ¬10 years... & although I live 1/2 round the world, JD has been a friend from afar, so to speak.
Now JD needs us, all of us...

Few know that JD is an architect by trade, husband, & father of three children, who suffered a huge heart attack around 12 years ago. With a 4-ple bypass & only ¬20% of his heart function left, JD abandoned his previous life. He adapted to a new lifestyle & of course, so did the children and his wife Julie. Against all odds & medical expectations JD is still with us, albeit with very limited capabilities of late (you've probably noticed he's not posting that often...).

To put it bluntly, JD needs a heart transplant to go on living. Further and following that, JD will need medication & medical attention constantly, to keep the new heart from being rejected and ticking happily -- for the rest of his life.
His family needs the money to pay insurance premiums (thank God he has some cover), doctors, tests, & medication costs, on a monthly basis.

The National Foundation for Transplants (NFT) is trying to help JD & his family; NFT is helping the family organise a support campaign.

I urge you to visit www (dot)transplants (dot)org; select "patients we help" and search for J.D. Macrae, where the story is clearly outlined.

In short, any support helps (unfortunately, JD is not in Government bail-out league!).

JD will also need stamina, courage, and love from family and friends'; I'm certain he has plenty of that.
What a wonderful result. I hope you have an easy time of it after such massive surgery and return to a full and glorious life. All the best.
