My wife had an epiphany - I'm off the hook

We went to a 'master class' put on at a local college by a professional classical guitarist who was to perform today in concert. After she completed her time with the students she auditioned three new guitars, continually doing an A/B comparison with her own. For my wife it was revelatory! The differences were so easily discernible, every one had personal preferences, and all four guitars were outstanding. Now she understands what I'm doing when I play with my toys. :-) You should be so lucky!
Doubt your conclusion is valid. More likely you are now on the Fast Track to a dissolution of marriage. SHE will determine which of your audio systems/components sounds best to HER. And then you are sunk. You better not change her selection for that would be the ultimate insult. She will emulate the lady guitarist and make a "knowing" decision that you can't change without her permission. It's not your equipment, or your decision anymore. Educating Mrs. Newbee has it's downside.
I am one of the luckiest guys here!

My wife lets me do anything I want when it comes to the systems! She hasn't even bat an eye at the Krell Evo 403 sitting in front of the TV yet now going on three months!

Once I figure out how I want to redo the racks, I will move it (with a lot of help!) and get it out of there but for now....