Please disclose your commercial affiliation

I am not going to mention names or products, but I think most Audiogoneers have read a number of product reviews or threads and have wondered if the writer is one way or the other commercially associated with that product.

I number of folks do sometimes do push a product so hard or vehemently defend any negative comments about a particular product in way that actually revels their affiliation.

Insiders, you know who you are.

Would you agree that if you are associated with a product, it is fair to the community to disclose your affiliation
This has brought up any number of times here on Audiogon, and I've always been for full disclosure. So, I'm with you.

Most of the problems here are seen when dealers push a product when someone asks for advice or a recommendation without mentioning that they're a dealer. I'm all for enthusiasm, and am even OK with someone who represents a product speaking about it, so long as that's not the extent of their participation in these threads.

Beyond that, my opinion remains the same, and I will keep on saying that I believe there should be some flag next to one's moniker that indicates something like manufacturer/distributor, dealer, reviewer, audiophile. Along those lines, clicking on that link will bring you to an information page where you see what, if any, affiliations one has.

As for me, I was an audiophile, became a distributor in 2006, went back to being an audiophile in late 2008, and am about to reenter the dark side as I become a manufacturer.
Ah...this is funny.

Long time coming.

No questions, absolutely agree.

Let the disclosure start right now.
I suggest a letter code next to your moniker, ala AudioAsylum -

1) M for manufacturer
2) D for dealer
3) R for reviewer
4) C for commercial user
5) A for consumers, AND

6) S for sockpuppet.

Fat chance. :-)
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