Why are "low hours" a consideration?

I've noticed a lot of people selling items here that have "low hours", for both speakers and amplifiers. Does the sound gradually get worse over time? I haven't noticed with mine, but if it's gradual I guess I wouldn't. If I am going to spend a lot of money on a system, I would expect that if I take good care of it it should sound just as excellent years from now, and I certainly hope I shouldn't need to keep track of how many "hours" I've played it. Am I wrong in thinking this?
I get a kick outta this one :

"These speakers only driven with the best ancillary equipment"

Like they have a damn memory for the next owner ?
Cyclonicman, you have been very fortunate. I would say most of those that I've dealt with on AudiogoN have integrity, but not all. As Bill notes following your post, everyone selling a used phono cartridge has only used it for a few LP's. ;D

I'm aware that an odometer can be tampered with, but it is an illegal offense. There's nothing illegal about mis-guessing the hours on used tubes, phono cartridges, etc.

One can only hope to deal with someone of integrity. Most have great intentions, but their actual memory may be a bit foggy. I'm not insinuating that their is actual fraud, though I have been involved in one deal where this was the case. I just think that many 'guess' at the hour rating, and do so in a way that will help their sale.

"low hours" is a little bit better than "I'm the second owner" Are you sure? Why nobody claim 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc... owner?
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Rx8man, Re 'memory' issues. Consider that some professional musicians and instrument makers will argue that a new instrument will, thru the break in process, take on the signature of the musician using it and which might be an impediment to future owners. So it isn't just us audiophiles who think low hours might, just might, make a difference for reasons other than the ultimate life expectancy of the product.

Ain't it fun! :-)