Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
Chris - since I am not running the ET at present, would be good if you could test the eddy current clamp I describe in the above post, using 2 magnets clamping the tube at one point in "S-N Beam N-S" configuration.
Playing with magnets.
From yesterday the pic shows two
magnet setups

The top setup is superior. Three on top of one another not alongside each other closer to the spindle.

Dover will try the Eddy magnetic clamp later today. It is just 9am here Sunday right now.

If you look at the bottom pic you can see I do not have alot of space to work with for two magnets either side of spindle.

I will clamp a small platform there with some blue tac today to allow me to put two magnets up closer to the spindle and on either side of it. Will pick up some square magnets today to give the
S-N Beam N-S

------O---------- Beam/Spindle
S || N--N || S---- Magnets

Being an IT guy I hope you are impressed with my illustration.

I took a cue from you.

would be good if you could test the eddy current clamp I describe in the above post, using 2 magnets clamping the tube at one point in "S-N Beam N-S" configuration.

Ok wanted to get this out so excuse any errors.

here is the temporary setup pic (lower one) showing the
same pole magnets

providing eddy currents from both sides of the spindle.

The Blue tac marks the north poles of the magnets.
Will be making the magnet platform out of something else.

Here is what I did today instead of house chores.

Went and picked up a package of the magnets you see in the pic. There are 8 in a pack for $3.00. Thin rectangular pieces.

I took two – put a string between them – let the opposite poles hold the string. I then let it hang very gently so one of the sides pointed north.

Either it remains as north or it started turning to get to north. I marked the north poles with the blue tack you can see. I guess you can see I like this blue tack stuff.

I cut a temporary piece of wood high enough to just clear the spindle and placed the two magnetic pieces on wood. The magnets could fit just below the spindle right now if I slid them across. With this setup then could be raised and placed on either side of the spindle too.

When positioning magnets for eddy current dampening, closer is not always better, the magnetism has nodes that vary up and down with distance.

The distance that can be seen between them in the pic; is the minimal amount allowed in this setup. Any closer and the magnet pieces with the same pole magnetic repulsion start pushing each other off the wood. Sort of like my twins - sorry had to throw that in. They are just resting on the wood. This is how my TT works – magnetic repulsion - that produces levitation. So all of this feels like I am playing on home turf.

Impressions - To describe what I hear would be just another opinion and I am no good at describing sound. Plus all our setups are different. So lets use a car analogy again.

You can buy cars that have buttons that give you sport – normal – and cushy suspensions. You push the button to select the ride type based on road conditions. The different LP/Records being the different roads here.

What if a car was made that did the switching for you automatically. If the road got worse or changed to gravel, the suspension changes on its own and cushions it. The resulting ride would be quieter and smoother and you can hear yourself talking with the other passengers better. Thats more of the sense I am getting with this setup.

Records are quieter, highs more refined similar to past magnet damping, but now it seems more consistent/stable. This is only based on 6 or 7 familiar lps.

All ET2 tonearms owners should try this. If you have some records that are more off center, sound more splashy to you then others - try them first.

Once I have settled into the sound I will make a pillar for the other side to hold two similar magnets at the start of the manifold and listen again.

Frogman looking forward to your impressions as well as others that try it.

Richard – I know you tried many variations of magnetic damping. Did you try this same pole magnet clamping style ? Early on but am not able to detect any eccentricity or excitement in the spindle yet. Music seems to be very controlled, stable. ET 2.5 spindle 19 psi.

Thanks for the suggestion Dover.

Chris - Thanks for the feedback. I always thought shagging around with the system was housework. Out of interest do you run your Verdier with or without the ball inserted ?
Yes happy to try this mag dampening variation. One more time around the block will do no harm.

It will be awhile though as I am still dialing in my remodeled room and new shelter cart. The system is a bit of a moving target at the mo.
