Room size

Sorry if this has been discussed. How big is a large room? Medium size room? Size is always mentioned, but dimensions rarely given. My room is 14x21 with ceilings that go from 7 ft to a peak of 13 ft and back down to 7 ft. Is this considered a large or medium size room? Im considering going to a monitor speaker (Totem perhaps) and wonder if they will be fine or too small for a room this size. Thanks to all who reply.
Thanks for all responses so far. Zenblaster, the Mani 2 is the speaker I have been seriously considering. My original post was in reference to comments like " needs a large room to breathe" , or " will overpower a small room." I was just never sure what was considered large or small. Sounds like the Mani 2 has potential . Thanks again.
Onhwy61 made very good points. Kind of what I was getting at in the end of my post, but better stated and more thorough. I agree, it will depend largely upon the room, construction, contents, treatments, system location, room openings, etc. Unlike him, though, I have not heard larger speakers sound up to their potential in a smaller room, and have much more frequently heard problems with that kind of arrangement. That's not to say he's wrong and that it cannot be done, it simply has not been my experience. More often than not I've found it visually and acoustically overwhelming with a distortion of scale, in relation to the room, that tends to inhibit my suspension of disbelief. I've also experienced these kind of setups can often limit soundstaging potential. Notable exception have been asymmetrical corner arrangements. Again, this is in my limited experience and YMMV.

I use a sub as well, but tend to turn it off more for music as I think, in my case the single sub is slightly detrimental to imaging, and my speakers already go down pretty low. Two or more would be better, IMO.
Jax2, it's also been my experience to hear many systems with very large speakers in smallish rooms sound bad. My earlier point is that on occasion I've heard great sound under the same circumstances, though the former experience is more common.

Jamo, Gradient, Quad, Snell, Mirage, Allison and many other speaker manufacturers have all done interesting work on how speakers interact with a room. I strongly recommend reading the Robert Greene website on the subject.