Availability protocol?

When first joining Audiogon, I learned quickly never to ask a member if their listed piece was, in fact, "still available". This was viewed as 'tire kicking' or disrespectful of their time and patience. I came to empathize after I had sold a few pieces myself and waded through the myriad requests that typically went nowhere.

In the last month or two, however, on three separate occasions I have written to a member saying I wanted to buy a piece, only to be told it was sold already. These were pieces that were listed as available and I was offering full ask price. I also have perfect feedback, so I am assuming the pieces were, in fact, sold. I understand it may take a little time to update their listings as we are all busy and can't keep 100% current on everything, yet even weeks later, they were still listed as available.

Point being, I am making several changes to my system, and was considering several pieces on Agon which I checked daily to ensure availability. After spending valuable time doing research, I finally made up my mind, only to be told they were sold, despite their listed status. Yet asking about availability gets one tarred and feathered, so what's the solution in order to avoid the aforementioned frustration and wasted time?
Hell, Good Morning, and Aloha from New York City. I agree with virtually all responses to my post. Thank you in earnest for your time. My post was meant more as benign venting against this new fee structure, one which discourages members, understandably, from marking items correctly. I was frustrated on three occasions of late when offering to buy an item, I was told it was sold. I was curious if others had similar experiences, and what protocol, if any, they followed in light of this. Fear not the pillory!
Audiogon is a buyer's market. If you encounter a seller that is a primadonna, thinking they have an irresistable
classic or a price that represents a "sacrifice" to them,
punish them by not doing business with them. Life is too
short to complain to them and hope they will see the error of their rude ways-they won't! Just ignore their e-mail response and look elsewhere.
When is a sale actually made might be the question. For me it is when the buyer's funds have been received and are fully collected and available to me and I actually ship the goods. Until then, I answer additional offers/queries with 'sale pending'.

As many know, sometimes using the paypal system can get a 21 day hold put on the availability of funds. I prefer a check, so the process generally takes 15 days.
It's a pain when most items have been sold but aren't listed as such for a month.
Bottom line It's dishonest not to pay the fee!!! If you feel the fee is robbery sell somewhere else. I happen to like what AgoN has made available to me and so far am happy to pay what they ask. I don't run a stop signs because I disagree with it's necessity. I entered into an agreement with society when I got a license and I honor it. A $600 sale = $6 quit crying, man up and pay YOUR fee!!!!!