You can't have too many apostrophe's

Can we talk about this? Is it possible? Or by bringing it up, will I be relegated to that category of individual so many love to hate, the dreadful "grammar n?zi"?

Does it drive anyone else nuts that it seems that more and more adults in this country could evidently not pass a 5th grade English exam?

And is the increasing proliferation of "grocers apostrophes" THE single most annoying element of the above?!
Hi Rodman99999,

You do understand the meaning of "might", right? :)

As for the effect of grammar on comprehension, your insinuation that it makes *no* difference is clearly quite naive. I didn't imply that it makes text impossible to understand, or even require some kind of "great effort", but it does make the brain work harder, and that's a simple fact.

Let me put it in audio terms: an analogy would be the way phase errors in reproduced music cause the brain to burn more calories untangling the audio into something it recognizes, leading to (potential) long-term fatigue.

Hope this has cleared things up for you a bit.

Once again, I didn't complain about lack of punctuation.

I spoke about incorrect punctuation and grammar, which takes more effort than none at all.

Heck, if you don't understand basic grammar rules, there's no need to be greatly offended if somebody points it out. Make a small effort to rectify it and you probably will. Or, just decide you don't care and shrug it off.

All in good fun for sure. =8^)

You did make reference to the 5th grade english exam so I would think typos would count and missed words.

I did start a thread once with the word stopping in the headline but I wrote stoping. I would have failed the 5th grade exam that day.

Growing up being a "Hippie" in the 60's didn't help my studies as it was not "in" to apply one's self to all that brain stuff. We were using our minds for other more exciting things. I since have chosen a specific field to excel in as far as knowledge and insight goes and it is very rewarding to me.

My wife, being a book editor, has a lot of mercy on me for my lack of spelling skills. She can spot spelling errors on vans and trucks going down the road as they pass us. Billboards, books and mags. are also a sight to see when see finds errors. She did read my last post and she feels I am to crud in my writing. When members write such threads like this one I ask her to skim through all the threads and posts of such member to find "logs" but she refuses to do so. Great wife she is.

This thread by Paul is not as high minded as some I have read.
Commcat, I now see where you are coming from. In that context, I don't disagree. And in that situation, it is indeed the lack of appropriate emphasis on or access to education which is not disappointing, but shocking. My point was that there is another issue at large, which is that many of those who have had access to and 'gained' an education, ignore correct grammar afterwards because it is no longer cool to be well educated. In a large part of society, it is the mark of being an outsider rather than the opposite, and that is a crying shame. Perhaps the part you speak about and the part I was speaking about are linked and I did not draw the connection.

Nobody here but us 'pidgins'... :^)
