You can't have too many apostrophe's

Can we talk about this? Is it possible? Or by bringing it up, will I be relegated to that category of individual so many love to hate, the dreadful "grammar n?zi"?

Does it drive anyone else nuts that it seems that more and more adults in this country could evidently not pass a 5th grade English exam?

And is the increasing proliferation of "grocers apostrophes" THE single most annoying element of the above?!
MrTennis, This entire thread has been off topic. Google is handy to check what I have suggested are facts. We tend to disagree a lot. My goal is not to be provocative but informative. If that is mistaken as some form of aggression, my apologies. :)
Dougles throws sand at Mr. T in the play sand box. T picks up a shovel of sand and pours it over Mr. DS'''''''S' head and calls him a name. Oh boy it's play time in the audio sand box as Paul and 9999 jump in for a little action of their own.


Paul is seeking further enlightenment from you. Can you deliver some for him? (=8^)
hi doug:

you have not answered my question: what is the criterion for illiteracy ?

is there a way to gather statistics to verify your hypothesis or can you point me in the direction of information that i can check myself ?
Glory, you are being immature now. This is serious.

Mr. Tennis, you're just being thick. Come on.
I'm done. When the question is: What is the criterion for illiteracy," I'm out, since it's a game of nothing more than intellectual regress. This is why I address you as "MrObfuscation". As a parting handful of sand as I exit the sandbox, Google "illiteracy violent crime" and see what you get.

Blessings to you, no hard feelings. :)