Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
melbguy1, Hi, Do you use after market power cables?, I have a very good one on the cd-player, However, I am interested in going to listen or have Tara send me the new Tara labs Omega Evolution power cord, very exspensive, It's the new second from the Grandmaster Evolution power cord, I was thinking, If that power cord was a revelation in sound performance, I would send my amp back to Krell and have them hard wire the Tara Power cable on it, I asked if they would, they said yes, If that power cable is anything it is suppose to be, that would send my amp to extreme transparency and state of the art sound?, Do you believe hard wireing a power cord is better than the way of the IEC?, I was told that it is, less contacts, direct, just an idea I am counterplating to do over the next two years, thanks David.
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Audiolab, still do not have digital cable yet. I need to try audition some from The Cable Co.
yes, I have considered all that you have said Melbguy1 about the power cable on the power amp, I will say this, I may or may not one day get a better amp than the one I have, what I am saying david, I will not sale my amp ever, I have over $11,000.00 u.s.d. in a $14,000.00 amp, she will ride off into the sunset with me, whether she is on the main system, or a second system, LOL!, or in the closet, It's a collector to me anyway, David, you should see the stock power cord on this thing, it's huge to be stock, krell had a third party vendor make it, and you guessed it, the power cable is hard wired on the amp from the factory, the cx line is the only amp model in the history of krell they hard wired the power cable to the amp, that's all the cx stereo amps, and the mcx mono blocks as well, the stock power cord on my amp is 9'ft long!, sounds good to me, however I was thinking of some modds for long term, just an idea spinning in my head David, cheers.