McCormack Audio/Conrad Johnson service is great

I just wanted to say that these people at McCormack Audio & Conrad Johnson will treat you will treat with first class service and go out of their way to solve problems. I can't say enough about how well I was treated and how much I appreciate it.

These are people to consider making your next purchase from if customer service is important to you.

The stuff sounds great too by the way
CS is everything,very important.Millions of stories of guys trying to get the best deal,trying to get by on a shoestring and then when their CS turns out to be non-existant,its a big bumair.Spend the extra nickel or stay home,many paths to Salvation,being cheap isn't one of them unfortunately.Prices are so good here you can shop strictly for safety,it all sounds the same except for the 10 percenters with deep pockets or the hairsplitters which are legion here and all over the world.Yes,of course I'm crazy and love music or I wouldnt be here,maybe like you,maybe not,now back to that funky rhythm,cheers,Bob
With all due respect Usblues, what the hell are you talking about and what does it have to do with what i said?
With all due respect Max,reading between the lines and seeing around corners isnt in your quiver.My apoligies[sp],I didnt know you were coming in from the hayfield and should of been more transparent,cheers,Bob
Adreed about CJ: lightning fast e-mail responses, great follow-up, utmost care about their products, regardless if purchased new or pre-owned