Thekong - yes you are correct. That "rebound" as you call it has a resonance. The idea behind the variable spring rate and shifting the position of the lead counterweight is to place that resonance below the horizontal resonance of the arm so that the 2 resonances ( arm and beam ) do not couple together to produce a large peak at the arms resonant frequency.
All tonearms will have a lift or peak in response at their natural frequency. The tuning with the I beam ( decoupled ) is designed to reduce this natural bass peak at the resonant frequency of the arm to produce a flat bass response. This is illustrated in the graphs on Bruce Thigpen's website where he has published some of his test results.
The idea behind loosening the I beam that I outlined in my earlier posts is to lower this "rebound" resonance, by allowing the I beam to swing freely and also keep the horizontal arm mass low. Some wag above says you get no response below 30hz but that is not correct. You get a low fall off in bass below 30hz.
Rigidly coupling the I beam will increase the bass, adding more bass lift at the resonant frequency and beyond. If you run 30 year old Acoustat 2+2's in a room barely 10ft x12ft, listening position 5 feet from the panels and you like humpa humpa one note bass, then that is your ideal solution.
All tonearms will have a lift or peak in response at their natural frequency. The tuning with the I beam ( decoupled ) is designed to reduce this natural bass peak at the resonant frequency of the arm to produce a flat bass response. This is illustrated in the graphs on Bruce Thigpen's website where he has published some of his test results.
The idea behind loosening the I beam that I outlined in my earlier posts is to lower this "rebound" resonance, by allowing the I beam to swing freely and also keep the horizontal arm mass low. Some wag above says you get no response below 30hz but that is not correct. You get a low fall off in bass below 30hz.
Rigidly coupling the I beam will increase the bass, adding more bass lift at the resonant frequency and beyond. If you run 30 year old Acoustat 2+2's in a room barely 10ft x12ft, listening position 5 feet from the panels and you like humpa humpa one note bass, then that is your ideal solution.