What Printed Magazine do you prefer?

In times where every dollar is being counted, a dilemma is created. When Stereophile, Sound&Vision and Absolute Sound
come up for renewal all at once which one do you keep?
What is your favorite of these mentioned? Who offers the best Audio news and best reviews?
funny, you talk about economic times, yet HiFi+ is so expensive compared to the others.....they also lost Jason Hector, who's reviews I liked very much. Plus, they just don't review products that interest me.
I'd stick with stereophile, mainly for Art Dudley and Mikey Fremer. Sometimes they're a bit off, but I like to see what they're getting into.
I receive them all especially as the renewal price is usually less than $10/year for each, though I must admit, all the print mags IMHO are failing, Stereophile marks to an audience that is dying and for the most part doesn't buy much, S&V has re-formatted itself out of the market, Home Theater is well, basically worthless, and TAS tries to stay current but fails.....

That said they all still come to me, I like HiFi+, but as a UK mag it is expensive, and often features gear unavailable in the states making it frustrating....
I get Stereophile an TAS, I generally enjoy both, but if I had to go with one it would be Stereophile. S-phile is more indepth in my opinion. While I am not sure we should always take JA's measurements as the last word, as there can be many variables, at least they give them.