What Printed Magazine do you prefer?

In times where every dollar is being counted, a dilemma is created. When Stereophile, Sound&Vision and Absolute Sound
come up for renewal all at once which one do you keep?
What is your favorite of these mentioned? Who offers the best Audio news and best reviews?
UHF magazine. No question! Its the only magazine that appears to keep a consistent reference system for every component review. All other magazines have different reviewers with different systems, so its not really possible to obtain a true side by side comparrison of similar components. Furthermore, each listening test is performed simultaneously by about three or four people who each give their opinion. Whenever possible, they conduct blind tests so that they won't be influenced by really fancy band names or prices. Finally, the guy who puts the magazine together is a great writer!
Lately I like TAS over Sterophile mostly because TAS seems to include more music reviews. I can't get into TAS's on-line Playback, especially after looking at a computer monitor all day at work. I love HiFi+ but I've got a feeling TAS and HiFi+ might start leaning on each other too much, like they did in their reviews of the the Focal Utopia's.
TAS and Stereophile can be had at $10 and below per year. Look for the 2-3 year deals. As for HiFi+, I read it every month for free at Barns and Noble while having a Starbucks latte. If you really want to save some $$$, read all 3 for free at B&N and skip the latte. ;-)