How to transfer LD to DVD?

I have a nice collection of LD and I like to be able to show some of them to my friends in a small meeting environment, but it is difficult for me to carry around my LD player. Does anybody knows how to transfer LD to DVD?
Get a DVD recorder. Connect the S video out of the LD player to the S video in of the DVD recorder, connect the audio outputs of the LD player to the audio inputs of the DVD recorder, and select the DVD recorder's input for "aux". Record your DVD's at SP speed. End result is pretty good.
Jaybo, are we talking about public exhibition of music or other acts that will send you to jail????

Usually media is for private use only and should not be used for screening to a group of people other than family or social acquaintances. One must obtain permission from the copyright owner to do a 'public screening'.
He wants "to be able to show some of them to my friends in a small meeting environment." Certainly doesn't sound like a public exhibition or screening to me.

-- Al