How do you listen to your music?

Curious, other than either doing a random or playlist on an HD based system, do you stack up a pre-selected amount of vinyl/cd before sitting down or do you play as you go, (sometimes clean as you go as well) or, start with the stacks and find one track always leads you to get up and pick another album?
Level of commitment ?
Low: Pick out a few cd's & an lp. I may be performing other tasks at the same time.
High: Grab an album to warm-up the gear while I shop the crates. Go over to the "donor" table do a quick clean & line up a few to spin, sit & enjoy.
I sit in the sweet spot and then its eni meni mini mo till I do not want to listen any more.
I randomly go pick out records and play them, both sides, as I do everything in the house, pretty much the entire time I am home.

I watch my wife and crack up. She will listen to digital music, she does use the tube pre-amp instead of just through the reciever, which is good, until a song comes up she really likes.

Then she will go look to see if we have it on vinyl, cue it up, and switch to the vinyl version.

So she gets it.
Most of the time in headphones and sometimes after smoking 'green tabacco' and having some wine or beer during listening session... till I go to bed to switch to another day.
Weekend listening may involve speakers untill spl from my wife will be larger than speaker spl.
I am subjected to music I for the most part don't like (or am tired of hearing) all day at work. It usually takes a while after I get home to even be in the mood to listen to music.

I usually grab one CD or album at a time. Sometimes one will suggest another. I was fortunate to obtain quite a few mint records from my last job (for free!). I pretty much grabbed everything I could carry that I was remotely curious about. I try to give these a listen when I have some time to sit down really pay attention to them.

I also love to listen to music while cooking. This doesn't always work so well with vinyl.