Need to turn on my gear via IR 12v trigger?

hello all.

I'm looking for an inexpensive solution for turning on a couple items in a couple different areas. both items have 12v trigger inputs.

My onkyo TX SR 805 rec has a 12v out trigger for it's second zone, but I don't need to use the second zone trigger.... i need it for the primary zone.

is there such a thing like a wall wart gizmo which is dedicated and has a 12v mini plug output I can actuate by IR to energize each of the two item simultaneously or buy two of these things ... one for each device?

Naturally I can continue to manually do this, but was thinking there should in fact be some gizmo with an IR sensor on it that can emit a 12v pulse when asked to activate said device.

i do believe a pulse will work and there is no need for a constant applied voltage... i think.

well here's an item some enterprizing person might make some $$$ on by producing them. Huh?
I too have been wondering how to begin using the 12v triggers on the back of all my audio gear. So, someone must make a gizzmo. See, if you have all the gear in a rack, then you can't get to the back panel master power switch (as allot of high end gear has the power switch on the back). So, what do you do then ?

Does the 12V trigger just turn things on and off, or does it do other things ?