Your fav online resource for high end gear is....

When researching gear for that 'next' golden purchase, where do you turn?

Magazines? If so, which?

Personal accounts?


Manufacturers info?

What else?

I've used any and all of the above from time to time. I wondered however as subjective an account the 'review' format is, if people do in fact lean on it for developing some new tact on improving your system, anyway?

thanks for the imput.
Thanks Stan… Mike

I agree with that time factor… and limiting changes within the context of the system… save to gain better from the proposed piece.

I have found myself in agreement with Johnston, Dudley, Donnally, and a couple others given I have bought the item later on which they had previously written about. A few times. I also much prefer to hear the truth with regard to the previewed components return or continued lodging by way of things like “I’d sure like to have it” or “if the wife says…” Rather than those seemingly predisposed done deals of “This one isn’t going back” As the latter claims more to the improvement of the system and it’s needs perhaps, over that of the pieces virtues. Maybe it’s as Mike said.. A no brainer. I’m good with those items too, yet tend more to the what does my rig need perhaps more so.

I would have loved nothing better than to do a pair of Paul’s monos… biasing them however wasn’t within my scope, as I found out later… and then there was Paul’s exodus. Till the preamp dies or I do, I’ll keep the TA 1000 MK II.

From what I’ve heard at dealers over the past few years I have to agree with Stan, I’ve not been bowled over but once, again, with a 100% Thor power train. Of TA1000 + PA 30’s. So much for that. In home is indeed THE no brainer.

My aims usually adhere to the thread of likewise commentary, set against the personality of those who have said it and I’m more dismissive of the accounts from those who have switched in & out pieces with great regularity as a rule… though not 100% Everybody has something to offer.

I suspect no slam dunk or crystal ball for upcoming pieces is out there. A preponderance of available info and a ‘feel’ of it’s whole still serves. Well, that and my predisposed ‘class’ segregation of components.

Speakers seem the biggest black hole with regard to other devices… and likely one of my future moves. Having a pair of Wolcotts or Musician III with all the upgrades MIGHT make that an easier step… but I doubt it. Probably Wolcotts though. I can’t fade the optioned out Musicians… and the ‘cotts will be tuff enough, if…. As I’m pondering wooden Quattro’s with them. Maybe. Of lcourse, none of that might happen either. lol

The real irony of this debate is that when a certain piece is finally acquired at long last, other items (power cabling primarily) then needs to be reset or added. Lol. Amazing. It truly is amazing.
That really is the truth; set up is up to half of the sound of a system. Since last fall I have made several changes to my system, new [used] amp, 2nd sub, and a newer version of the speakers I was using. Most of the improvement I have made, which according to friends was considerable, was not due to these but to new interconnects, isolation systems, speaker and power cables and room treatment. Just finding the best placement for speakers takes a long time; haven't tried the computer programs yet.
Hi Blindjim,
I did acquire the Thor 3000 phono preamp which he allowed me to trade up to the Cantantus, tried at least 6-8 other phono preamps, heard that, and it was here to stay. Agree totally with Stan that setup is so important. And if I were less lazy I would do a check up of mine, for cabling, Kontact or E-SST or something like it, the Cardas sweep record on a more regular basis than I do. But all that said, I am in still pleased with it so.... My score this year was a pair of Wyetech 211c monos. Totally awesome. But like much, acquiring a new piece tells me what needs to be upgraded and so it goes and goes.

take the blue pill and you'll wake up in your own bed, without ever knowing you were here, be back in your own life and continue with it, or you can take the red pill.... and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Well.... Welcome to Wonderland. Anyone seen Alice?