Output tube radiation exposure - thoughts?

Anyone out there give much thought to vacuum tube radiation exposure, especially the larger transmitting styles? I'm not sure what distances constitute a potential hazard and taking into account the effectiveness of standard tube cages if present. I recall it was considered a serious topic by some but not all of the ship's radio operators I sailed with in the past. Your impressions / experiences pls.
Well A1marg... what amplifies operate at 30 kVa? Not even the huge WAVAC amps run near that.

Both Honest1 and I said very clearly and explicitly that the concern about X-rays would only arise in the case of tubes that operate at far higher voltages than are used in audio applications.

If the above were true then we all would have been dead a long time! Tubes are around quite a while - long enough to have wiped out the entire earths population.

I'm not totally certain as to what you are referring to by "if the above were true," but I assume it is my reference to early tv sets having an issue with X-ray emissions.

For starters, please read the last section in the Wikipedia writeup I linked to in my previous post, which is entitled "Hazards of x-ray production from vacuum tubes." Then please do some Googling on the subject and you will find additional commentary to the same effect.

I am an antique radio collector, and as such I have had occasion to accumulate significant knowledge about early tv sets as well (ca. 1946 to the 1960's). The issue was not that they would "wipe out the earth's population." The problem was that those sets, when viewed from close distances (such as children are often known to do), for considerable amounts of accumulated time, would pose unacceptable long-term health risks. As I said, those risks have presumably been eliminated in more modern sets.

-- Al
This is a reply from an electronics engineer:

"Potentially hazardous radiation (e.g. X-rays): There are weak X-rays requiring about 1kV to 20kV to be generated, then medium X-rays needing about 20kV to 60kV, then hard X-rays needing 100kV to 1MV. The first group can theoretically come from tvs and oscilloscopes - they 'penetrate' about 0,1mm through glass to about 0,001 mm through metal - different depths for different metals. The other groups are irrelevant for this discussion.

So no fear - unless you go to sleep with a giant oscilloscope close to your ..... in which case you are so
queer anyway that radiation is the least of your worries.

Folks live close to 30kV - 100kV lines. Radiation cannot be caused unless there is a heated cathode, and an anode, contained in a special vacuum tube. But ozone can be smelled then.

Ozone to higher than one in a million concentration is considered potentially hazardous, but it is smelled long before that (hazardous as in affecting the respiratory system primarily; it can also cause a headache in some people). Such concentrations are very rare; it must be generated to get there. It is a powerful oxidant which in low quantities can be beneficial and is used as a purifier more potent than chlorine. Notably, a small quantity can be generated in air conditioners to purify the air. "

I would rather not begin to argue with him. He is a true scientist that knows his electrons.
My comment was based on military radar transmitter tubes that operate in the 45KV or higher range. As I said, much higher than any audio equipment uses. I meant it as a possible explanation of the source of concern of the original poster, and to help him not be concerned.
Truly ridiculous is the assertion that we get any significant radiation from the satellites orbiting the earth. They are very low power, since most of them rely on only the power they can collect with their solar panels. Some of this gets wasted as heat, then whatever is broadcast back to earth spreads over a very wide area.
My statement about the satellites was based on the fact you stated. It is useless to stress about such things.

Sit back and enjoy the music!!
Global warming and bank failures can be directly attributed to the use vacuum tube components.

However, the dangers to radiation exposure are ridiculous.

Some folks will believe anything.