Lonestarsouth -- I think that the comments provided by your EE friend are good, and are likely to be completely correct.
I too, btw, am an experienced electronics engineer.
In regard to my comments about OLDER televisions, though, I would like to offer the following quote from United States Patent number 3562518, which was applied for in 1967 by National Video Corporation, and granted in 1971. National Video Corp., btw, had in 1963 developed the world's first truly rectangular color tv picture tube, in conjunction with Motorola.
Ordinarily, the electron beams which scan the viewing area in a color television kinescope are energized by an accelerating potential of 25,000 volts. At this limit of accelerating potential, there is little or no danger of generating harmful X-rays. Further, since the faceplate panel of conventional color kinescopes are usually quite thicker than the rest of the tube and comprise a lead type of glass, whatever X-rays are generated within the tube are absorbed in the faceplate panel. However, if the accelerating voltages exceed by as little as 2,000 volts the 25,000 volt specified accelerating potential, the safety limit for X-ray generation may be exceeded with resulting hazardous generation and escape of X-rays. At this level, the X-ray penetration at the back of the tube becomes considerable, and additional protection must be provided ....
The present invention provides for coating the shadow mask mounted within the peripheral flange of the faceplate panel of a conventional color kinescope with a thin layer of bismuth thereby substantially reducing the penetration of X-rays generated by high energy electron beams impinging on the phosphor screen escaping through the rear of the tube. In addition, the constricted neck portion of the tube is encompassed with a paper pulp sleeve impregnated with bismuth trioxide; and the external surface of the funnel from the paper pulp sleeve to the flange of the faceplate panel is coated with a nonconducting mixture of bismuth trioxide and sodium silicate. It has been found with this particular arrangement of means for protecting against X-ray penetration, there is provided sufficient safety for personnel even if the accelerating potential rises to the 30,000 volt level.
Note too that this was more than 20 years after tv was first introduced on a widespread basis, and I believe that the earliest crt's used glass that was either unleaded, or at least not as heavily leaded, as in the later ones.
And re your comment that
"It is useless to stress about such things. Sit back and enjoy the music!!"
I agree, and even more so because we are all agreed that the answer to the op's question about radiation from audio tubes is that there is no problem whatsoever.
-- Al