Any experience with Yeil "Spike Sound Will" feet?

Has anybody out there tried these in their system and to what effect? I currently use a SAP Relaxa 1 under my transport which I like and these feet operate on a similar basis ie. opposing magnets to 'levitate' components. I am considering a set to go under my SAC Glowmaster KT88 power amp and another to float my Audio Experience A2 SE. They would appear to be better value for money than the SAP Relaxa feet/platforms and similar devices from Clearaudio, Yamamoto etc. if they do the trick?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Well Garebear we're still waiting to hear from someone who has used them but I can tell you that they retail for £140 ($200) for a set of four. When I first became aware of these products there were 4 models being offered. They are for components weighing 5-10kg, 10-20kg, 20-40kg and then a heavy duty version for loads of 80-120kg, which costs about three times more than the former three models.
I spoke to a dealer at the weekend and he informed me that the "spike sound will" for 20kg+ is now only rated for loads up to 32kg, which would put your speakers right at the upper threshold.
Here in the UK they are being sold on a 30 day trial basis so unless anybody chips in with their experience of them I might just bite the bullet and order a couple of different capacity sets and see how they pan out.
Well I did it...I ordered a 20-40kg set, which arrived last week for my power amp (SAC Glowmaster KT88) but they didn't impress me greatly over the stock rubber feet. I'm sure there was probably a slight improvement but if it was there it was really rather too subtle for these ears.
But the story continues...I also ordered another 2 sets of 5-10kg types which arrived yesterday. They were to go under my pre (Audio Experience A2 SE) and my DAC (Chord DAC 64 Mk2)and the difference they have made is in a word staggering. Of course how they perform will be system and room dependent but in my setup the improvement is significant. I no longer get that hardening of the upper frequencies when I turn the wick up, the soundstage is tighter, less diffuse and it has taken a couple of steps outwards in all directions. I thought my system was already quite revealing but I am now hearing further into the mix. (The Spike Sound Wills replaced my Seismic Sinks under the DAC & Pre, I am still using the SAP Relaxa 1 under the transport).

For the money these things [in the right application] are brilliant and even if they cost twice what they do, you could probably still describe them as value for money if not cheap. I'd recommend you audition these in your systems and if you can get them on a months trial it really is a no-brainer. Admittedly they didn't impress under my power amp but I'm intrigued now to see if what effect they'll have under my speakers so I may end up ordering another set of 20-40kg anyway as I fall deeper into the rabbit hole!

Just for the record, I have no affiliation with any audio distributors, manufacturers etc. This is just my penneth worth, both literally and figuratively.
The Yeil mag-lev feet are the single best aftermarket improvement to disc players I've heard. Recommended without reservation. Just buy the right load capacity -- you may need to mix load ratings front and rear. Truly, Yeil under CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, Universal Players -- whatever -- yeilds improvements that are nearly unbelievable. Adding Yeil to even modest disc players gave me the first glimpse of true TONE from CDs.

They work under amps, but the relative results compared to Aurios or Rollerblocks or Herbie's products are variable. Mag-lev, for instance, is the top tweak for my 845 amps, but Aurios are better for my 300B amps.

Can be excellent for turntables if you can deal with the mild impracticality of float while you're handling the turntable, but again, on some turntables Aurios will be better, sounding more anchored. Yeil mag-lev gives turntables an ethereal sound, which may or may not complement your system.

Excellent under squat subwoofers, but not at all practical for towers. Aside from digital, another application where mag-lev has undeniable benefits is under power conditioners and other powerline products. I know, I know.... But the benefit is especially clear under my Monster AVS2000 voltage regulators. I'm buying more.

i thing i know when using any of these items including air bladder types is that ,you need to load the system,that is don't put a 40-60 kg item under a cd player,i have used my own home made air bladder style isolators for years to great success,and see magnetic items reacting in very much the same,as an example i use a bladder under my wilsons watts,and have made 1 for some pipe dreams