Any tweaks recommded for under cd player?

I have a lector cdp7 cd player looking for some tweaks under the cd to get a little more extended on the high?
Any recommendation out there?
Thanks in advanced
While there are probably several that would work, why not mention which ones that you have tried or are using now so that we dont mention them again ?

Seeing that you have been a member for a while now, and have plenty of feedback, participate in the forums, I am sure you have tried a few tweaks here and there.
I use stillpoints, doesn't really extend the high end but makes it more defined, improved sound stage depth and adds clarity. I have at times tried to remove the stillpoints as I struggle with $1200 worth of little black cones under my equipment but the stereo is just a little shallow without them. They seemed to make the biggest difference under the amp, then preamp and phono then CDP. But a difference under each.
Brass cones:Audio Points,Mapleshade or the Bear Claws.All available used and the BCs are available thru AudioGon.