I have used Coincident Super Eclipse MkIII speakers with solid state (Levinson, Simaudio), push-pull tube (VTL), and SET (Audio Horizons). I like these loudspeakers very much but, like all amplifier/loudspeaker combinations, you need to consider the impedance matching between them.
Each of the amplifiers I have used has been good quality. Only the Audio Horizons SET has really driven these speakers to their full potential. I judge "full potential" to be essentially the sound quality I've heard from Israel Blume's demonstrations.
In terms of rated output power, the SET amp is by far, the least powerful (peak <10 watt) of the amplifiers I have used with the speakers. Yet, it gave me, in all aspects (soundstage, tonal balance, clarity) the best performance.
I note that Coincident itself acts on these facts, too. Take a look at the amplifiers that they offer.
If you get the right amplifier match, you will be delighted with the Coincident loudspeaker performance.